Learn From the Experts

We believe in creating meaningful learning experiences for our customers. That’s why we want you to get your hands on our products and hardware. Whether you’re working with an Oilgear valve, pump or complete system, we make in-depth product training available at our facility or yours.


Want the best possible workforce? Oilgear can help you create it. With our detailed trainings, your team will be prepared to handle problems efficiently so downtime is limited. We have nearly a century of experience with hydroelectric equipment under our belts. If you combine that with our instructors’ extensive library of resources, you’re sure to find the education you need for your team.

Oilgear creates programs designed to fit your training requirements. Coursework is configured to teach students about hydraulic components, circuits and control systems. And because your system is unique, we also teach your team how to maintain your equipment and accurately diagnose problems.

Services Troubleshooting - Oilgear

We’re happy to meet you for training where you’re most comfortable—whether you want us to come to you, or you’re ready to visit our headquarters in Traverse City, Michigan. Programs range from basic hydraulic and control to fully customized instruction covering the specific equipment and systems you have in your facility.


Each Oilgear school is customized around your needs and equipment. We provide trained instructors and student manuals. You provide the students.

Under the guidance of experienced engineers and technicians, your team will receive instruction on the operation and application of control and hydraulic components. Trainings include:

  • Detailed component instruction.
  • The study of complete hydraulic power and control systems.
  • Recommendations on preventive maintenance, adjustment, trouble shooting and repair.
Oilgear Hydraulic Pump Valve Documentation - Oilgear

By applying Oilgear training, your operating and maintenance personnel can correct or eliminate malfunctions and premature failures while using the equipment at optimum operating conditions.


Documentation is critical for all maintenance programs. If information is incomplete or difficult to find, your ability to maintain your equipment is severely hampered. When you train with Oilgear, we can provide documentation services to fix these problems.

We offer several different options customized for your operations—from hard copy documents in indexed binders to fully interactive electronic packages.

Interactive packages provide the most flexibility. Circuit drawings, technical documents and equipment pictures are used to link the physical equipment to the associated documents. Links on the pictures, circuits, bill of materials or document index allow your team multiple ways to find information.

Blending with the interactive documentation package with an Oilgear training program gives your maintenance and engineering team powerful tools to ensure that everyone can access and properly use the information.